Bail Bond Insurance Companies

Bail is the amount of money required by the court to release a defendant from custody and to guarantee their appearance in court. The amount of bail depends on a variety of factors ranging from the seriousness of the crime to the flight risk of the defendant. Most defendants must rely on bail bond insurance companies to meet the terms of the bail, as coming up with this type of money quickly can be very difficult. Once the bail bond company posts the bail bond, the bail bond company then becomes responsible for the defendants’ appearances in court. If the defendant does not appear in court, the court will forfeit the bail bond and demand that the bail bond company remit full payment. The agency, in turn, will do what is necessary to return the defendant to custody and recover their costs. This is how bail bond agencies protect themselves from losing money in the transaction.

For this reason alone, it is imperative that you have confidence in your loved one or friend that they will appear at their scheduled court appearances. Being the co-signer on a bail bond is a serious commitment.

Bail Bond Insurance Company

The process for having someone released from jail is fairly simple when you choose to partner with a knowledgeable and respected bail bond company like our family-owned company: Ernie Lopez Bail Bonds.

You are the “indemnitor,” or the person willing to be responsible for the defendant while they are out on bail, and you pledge some property, called “collateral,” to the company to guarantee the bond. Once this happens we guarantee the cash to the court and the defendant is released soon after. In exchange for this service, we charge a premium of 10 percent, which is set by the California Department of Insurance, and is non-refundable after the defendant’s release.

There are a number of different types of bond types that you will want to discuss with any bail bond insurance companies that you are using. They include:

1.     Surety Bond: Agents work with insurance companies who provide the financial backing for the bonds.

2.     Property Bond: If a defendant has property, like a house or car, they may be able to use it in place of putting down cash. The court will put a lien on the property and will be able to sell it if the defendant ships out on any court dates.

3.     Release on Own Recognizance: In some cases, a judge may release the defendant without setting bail. This typically happens when the defendant is accused of a low-level crime and is not considered a flight risk.

4.     Cite Out: If a suspect is caught doing something illegal an officer may issue them a citation requiring them to appear in court in lieu of booing them into jail.

5.     Immigration Bond: If someone you know has been detained by the Immigration and Custom Enforcement department an immigration bond can get them released until hearing.

These are just a few of the bond types that you may run into. If you have questions about what bond is being used for you or your loved one, our team at Ernie Lopez Bail Bonds would be happy to assist you in understanding them further.

It can be a scary and unnerving process when you or a loved one is arrested. Hopefully this guide has helped answer some of the questions you may have about how to get out of jail and what steps you need to take to find bail bond insurance companies that can assist you.

Our team at Ernie Lopez Bail Bonds has been serving our community since 1956. We are experienced and professional bail bonds agents that have the knowledge, resources and experience to assist you in getting out of jail as quickly and effectively as possible. To learn more or to schedule a consultation regarding your specific needs, please do not wait to call us. Time is of the essence in these situations and it is imperative you contact us as quickly as possible. We are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and look forward to helping you soon. Connect today to get started!